Patient undergoing MRI and GXU Radiology Specialists Maitland and Newcastle

Our MRI scanner

When it comes to ensuring the best care for our patients, we invest in the latest and most advanced technology. That’s why we have utilise the PRISMA MRI scanner by Siemens Healthineers. This state-of-the-art 3T (3 Tesla) MRI machine provides clearer, high-resolution images, allowing us to get a detailed view inside your body. What does this mean for you? A more accurate diagnosis, shorter scanning times, and an overall more comfortable experience. At our facility, we’re committed to combining top-notch technology with our expert care, ensuring you receive the best medical attention available.

How MRI Works

MRI, short for Magnetic Resonance Imaging, is a type of scan that uses strong magnets and radio waves to create detailed images of the inside of your body. Think of it like a camera that can look deep into your body without needing any X-rays. When you lie in the MRI machine, it interacts with the water molecules inside you. This interaction is captured by the machine and transformed into clear images, which can show everything from muscles and bones to organs.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging head neck
MRI head top

What happens during my appointment

When you arrive for your MRI, you’ll be asked to remove any metal objects, like jewellery or glasses, since the MRI uses strong magnets. You might be given a hospital gown to wear. Once ready, you’ll lie down on a special table that slides into the MRI machine, which looks like a large tube. The radiographer will operate the machine from a separate room but will be able to communicate with you through a speaker. It’s important to stay still during the scan to get clear images. You’ll hear some loud knocking or buzzing sounds – that’s just the machine working. The scan can last anywhere from 15 minutes to over an hour, depending on what part of the body is being imaged. After the scan, you can go back to your normal activities straight away.

MRI Fees

Unfortunately the Australian Government does not allocate Medicare rebatable licences to new regional MRI scanners. For this reason, GXU charges a subsidised out of pocket fee for our MRI services in order to provide our patients with the most advanced 3T MRI technology. Standard MRI fees are around $265, however please ask our friendly team for more information about our MRI fees.

mri fees doctor

Cine Imaging

Imagine watching a movie of your heart beating in real-time. That’s essentially what “cine imaging” in cardiac MRI does. Just like how a movie is made up of many still pictures (frames) shown rapidly in sequence to create the illusion of motion, cine imaging captures multiple images of the heart at different points in its beating cycle. When these images are played back in sequence, they create a “movie” of the heart in motion.

This allows doctors to see how your heart is working, how the muscles contract, and how the blood flows through the chambers, all in vivid detail. It’s a powerful way to spot any abnormalities in the heart’s movement or function. So, with cine imaging, instead of just getting a single still image of the heart, doctors get a dynamic view, similar to watching a movie, that reveals much more about the heart’s health and performance.

More Information about MRI

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a safe and non-invasive imaging procedure that creates detailed images of the inside of your body, including soft tissue, bone, fat, muscles, and internal organs. This advanced technology does not use ionising radiation, making it a preferred and harmless method for medical imaging.

During an MRI, strong magnets and radiofrequency pulses work together to generate signals from within your body. These signals are then detected by a specialized radio antenna and processed by a computer to create clear and detailed images of your internal structure.

The procedure involves a powerful magnetic field aligning the water molecules in your body. A painless radiofrequency wave then manipulates these molecules. Once the wave is turned off, the molecules release energy, which is detected by the MRI sensors and translated into an image. This intricate process allows healthcare professionals to examine and diagnose various medical conditions with precision and confidence.

You will be lying on a comfortable table that slides into the MRI scanner, a large machine typically shaped like a tunnel. Worry not, as both ends of the scanner are open, ensuring you don’t feel confined or claustrophobic. The tunnel is equipped with lights and, in some cases, a mirror for your comfort. Some MRI scanners even have wider tunnels or a more open structure, resembling a ‘C’ more than an ‘O’.

Our highly trained and specialized MRI technicians are here to guide you through every step of the MRI procedure, ensuring your comfort and safety. They are available to answer any questions and address any concerns you may have about the MRI scan.

You will be lying on a comfortable table that slides into the MRI scanner, a large machine typically shaped like a tunnel. Worry not, as both ends of the scanner are open, ensuring you don’t feel confined or claustrophobic. The tunnel is equipped with lights and, in some cases, a mirror for your comfort. Some MRI scanners even have wider tunnels or a more open structure, resembling a ‘C’ more than an ‘O’.

You’ll be pleased to know that generally no special preparation is required for an MRI scan. You can eat as you normally would and should continue taking your prescribed medications, unless instructed otherwise by your doctor. You will be asked to remove any metal objects, like jewellery, hair pins.

If you have any implanted medical devices such as a pacemaker, defibrillator, cerebral aneurysm clips, or a cochlear implant, it is crucial to inform the receptionist when scheduling your MRI scan. Some implanted devices may not be safe for MRI procedures, and additional precautions or considerations may be necessary.

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